I was in line to get my COVID vaccine. Behind me were two gentlemen who sounded, to me, elderly. I heard one say to the other, “I can’t imagine being born into a system where from the get-go, the cards are stacked against you. I can’t imagine how hard that would be, and to deal with that all your life and not give up hope, well – my hats off to them!”

What a thoughtful reflection. I can only guess at what group of people they were referencing.

A while back I created the Breaking the Glass Ceiling ring – celebrating how far women have come in their struggle for equality, breaking into professions formerly considered for men only, hence breaking the proverbial glass ceiling. The League of Women Voters celebrated its 100th anniversary last year, in 2020. The cards were stacked against them, as it took 72 years of brutal struggle to change the hearts of men and women that we were capable of participating in the election process.  

I’m reworking my BTGC Ring to be a pendant or brooch.  With Kamala Harris breaking the glass ceiling to become our first Woman, Black and Asian vice-president, there is much to celebrate.  But I want us all to celebrate on a more intimate level.  I want to encourage you to be proud whenever you have had a dream, set a goal, and achieved your dream.

So this blog is to share my design journey.  From new concept to finished piece, you’ll see it is not a straight line.  Rather it’s a journey with switchbacks, unexpected twists and turns and hopefully, a delightful outcome.

It all started out as a version of the original BTGC ring that had graceful sweeping steps to the top and was to be worn as a pendant or brooch.  Taking into consideration the weight, the piece had to be precise.